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UK HE/FE HEFCE Revolving Green Fund

The Salix Revolving Green Fund programme was established to help HEIs in England reduce carbon emissions. The first round of the Revolving Green Fund (RGF1) was a partnership fund between HEFCE and Salix Finance. £30 million was made available (£20 million from HEFCE and £10 million from Salix Finance Ltd). Subsequent phases have been managed by HEFCE.

Revolving Green Fund

The HEFCE Revolving Green Fund was established to help HEIs in England reduce carbon emissions. The fund consists of two strands covering small-scale energy efficiency projects and larger exemplary retrofit projects. The fund operates as a revolving loan where savings are used to finance the project over a repayment period.

"If the current level of success and trajectory of project implementation is sustained then the RGF will lead to significant further carbon and cost savings, potentially up to 8.6% of current English HEI carbon emissions every year" - HEFCE commissioned an independent report by Oakleigh Consulting Limited

Many significant Data Synergy PowerMAN PC power management software projects have been implemented via the RGF and Data Synergy would be happy to provide both reference sites and advice on the application process.